Can Fat People Skateboard? (Absolutely) How to Get Started

Richmond Bendu Oct 17, 2022
41 People Read
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It is more common to see skinny people skateboard, but you meet someone overweight now and then. However, I believe you can become good at skateboarding even if you are overweight, as long as you have dedication.

Overweight people can definitely skateboard; it will be more challenging, but it's doable. Most skateboards can tolerate over 200 pounds, and if you choose a wider board, they can handle even more weight. An overweight person is likelier to break their board while doing tricks because the force on their board is more than their weight when they land.

Overweight people can skateboard, but they should take extra precautions to ensure they are safe.

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Can Fat People Skateboard?

I have seen people worry about going to the skatepark because they are afraid they'll be the only overweight person there. It is true that you won't find many fat people.

Almost all pro skaters are skinny, or at a healthy weight, so the representation of overweight people is almost nonexistent. Luckily I have never met anyone who cares about if someone is overweight at a skatepark. Chances are that you are the only one thinking about it; you can be any size and still be called a skater as long as you skateboard.

Nothing is stopping you from skating. You will need to use protective gear, as all beginners should. Unfortunately, you will be at more risk of severe wrist and ankle sprains due to higher forces and more impact when you fall.

Your physical health will probably slow down your progression because you might need more frequent breaks; it is unfortunate, but this will be less of a problem the longer you skate.

Do Overweight skaters Need a Different Skateboard Size?

Skateboard deck

Heavy skaters should get a wider board; the wider your deck is, the higher the weight limit. This is because when you do a trick and land on the board, the impact weight gets higher than your body weight. If you don't have a wide deck, it will likely snap because it doesn't have a high enough maximum weight.

Adults should get a board that is at least 8 inches, any smaller than this, and you will have a hard time balancing, and depending on your weight, it might snap.

You can buy a fortified board if you want to take extra measures. fortified boards are made to withstand incredible forces. The downside is that these boards are pricier, but it might be worth it if this gives you the confidence you need.

Not only fat skateboarders break decks. All skateboards will eventually break if you ride them enough. Old skateboards will snap much easier than new ones because they get crack propagation over time that naturally forms and grow with us. Microscopic cracks go through your board, decreasing your skateboard fracture toughness, so don't be afraid to break your skateboard decks. All skaters will eventually break their skateboard deck, no matter their size.

Do overweight skaters get hurt more easily?

Some falls will hurt less, and some will hurt more. Extra fat can cushion your fall, but the impact will be harder since you weigh more. You won't fall any faster, but your momentum will be greater.

The fat will only cushion blunt falls. If you roll your ankle or land on your wrists, you have a bigger chance of serious injury.

You can avoid as much damage as possible while skateboarding by wearing appropriate protective gear. Beginners should at least wear a helmet, knee pads, and wrist guards. This is especially important if you are overweight because the extra weight can give your wrists and ankles severe injuries if you land wrong.

Jumping around and landing from highs greatly impact your knees; as a heavy person, you need to be extra careful so you don't get long-lasting pains later in life. It might even be best to cruise around on your board until you lose some weight.

Will it be Harder to Learn to Skateboard if You are Overweight?

As with any other sport, it will be harder to learn to skateboard if you are overweight.

The extra weight decreases your flexibility and puts stress on your knees. Of course, being a healthy weight is much better for learning how to skateboard, but even though your starting point is worse doesn't mean you should let it stop you from skating.

There is a high number of overweight people that enjoy skateboarding, and plenty of them is at an advanced level. Being skinny doesn't mean that you know how to skateboard. 

Skateboarding is a challenging and technical sport, don't make the mistake of blaming your weight for slow progress. If you do the work and don't give up, you will eventually become good at skateboarding.

Can Skateboarding Help me Lose Weight?

skateboarder, sport, action

The average calories you burn within 30 minutes of skating is between 150 and 201 calories.

The amount of calories you burn varies greatly; if you like to cruise around, you probably won't burn many calories. When you cruise, you only move a lot when you push, it's a different story if you skate up hills, but most people don't bother.

You burn the most calories when you street skate or when you skate in a skatepark. You can skate mini raps, bowls, and many more obstacles in a park. You need to pump when you skate in mini ramps or bowls, and you will notice that you can get tired pretty quickly when skating these.

You will use a lot of energy if you try to learn flip tricks. You can ride around the park doing all kinds of tricks, and I promise you will feel like you have exercised if you get in a nice skate session.

Can Overweight Skaters do Tricks

Luckily, skating is a lot more technical than it is physical. Being overweight will probably slow your progress, but don't let that stop you.

Doing tricks will feel weird when you start skating; doing a simple ollie will almost seem impossible until you suddenly get closer to landing one.

You fall a lot more when you do flat ground tricks than when cruising; because of this, you should never forget to wear wrist protection in case you fall.

Consider using wristguards

It is very common to hurt your wrists while skating; the main reason is that you instinctively use your hands to save yourself from falling. You should learn to fall correctly, so you don't hurt your wrist, but you will be happy you got wrist guards the day you accidentally fall hard and use your hands to save yourself.

Your Board Wears Down Faster

All skateboards get worn down over time; even if you can't see the damages, your board will get microscopic cracks and, eventually, visible pressure cracks. Since overweight people weigh more, the board gets strained more.

Because of this, you should remember to inspect your board at least once a month. The more cracks your board has, the closer you are to snapping your board in half.

You can buy a fortified board to feel safer, but they will eventually break. Fortified boards usually have a strong material like carbon fiber discs as a core; this way, the board feels the same as a regular skateboard, but at the same time, it is more sturdy than a standard skateboard.


Anyone can skateboard, no matter their size. You will probably struggle to do certain things if you are overweight, but you can do it with practice. Your learning curve might be slower, but don't let this discourage you.

The extra weight makes you more likely to get severe wrist and ankle injuries. Therefore, I highly recommend using wrist protection to minimize potential danger.

You should use larger skateboard decks to be more comfortable, and they can also hold more weight. I recommend getting a board that is 8.25 or larger. You should learn to land on the bolts of your board; this way, the weight is placed on the skateboard trucks, preventing damage to your board.

Skateboarding can even help you lose weight. While skating, you will lose about 150 - 210 calories per half hour. After you have skated for a while, you will be able to have longer-lasting sessions. Exercising also helps your metabolism, which makes skating a fun way to lose weight.