How to get Motivated to Skateboard

Richmond Bendu Aug 05, 2022
18 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Don't Compare Yourself to Other Skaters
  2. Take a break
  3. Try something new
  4. Skate With Friends
  5. Watch skate videos
  6. Listen to music
  7. Try a New Skate Spot
  8. Try Skating When you Feel Down
  9. Think About a Great Session you Had
  10. Try simpler tricks
  11. Try something difficult
  12. Tracking Your Progress
  13. Conclusion

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. 

Getting unmotivated to skateboard is the worst. The last time I lost my motivation, I went to the skatepark with some friends, hardly doing anything. I ended up going home feeling like I had wasted my day.

At the time, skating was my main hobby, so if I got unmotivated, I didn't have anything fun to do anymore. I kept getting invites to skate, but I started turning the offers down. Finally, after a few weeks, I noticed that I hadn't gone to the skatepark for some time, I hit my friends up, and we went to the skatepark.

When I started skating again, my motivation was back. Skating while you are motivated is the best feeling. This made me start thinking about how I can avoid becoming unmotivated again.

In this post, I will share all my tips and tricks, so you can stay motivated and keep grinding.

Don't Compare Yourself to Other Skaters

Comparing yourself to others is something almost everyone does; it can be helpful, but I find it to be destructive most of the time. If you compare yourself to others, and they have improved while you haven't, it looks like you have gotten worse.

The best solution for me was to stop comparing myself to other skaters and start comparing myself with myself. This way, you will get much more accurate data, and you will be able to see your improvement faster.

To stop comparing is probably impossible. You will have a much better time skating when you can get motivated instead of jealous when you see someone else's success.

The only time it's ok to get a little mad at someone's progress is when you have a perfectly good day at your local park, and out of nowhere comes a nine-year-old kid that's twice as good as you; I'm more impressed than mad, but ill admit that I get a little frustrated.

Take a break

Sometimes all you need is a break. I have never met someone that's motivated 100% of the time, so if you want to focus on something else for a while, that's ok.

Make sure you don't waste your time; if you are fine with doing nothing, it's ok, but if you are not, you should rather be at the skatepark improving your skateboarding skills.

Try something new

When my motivation is down, I get an instant energy boost if I land a new trick. When you learn a new trick, you have proof that you are improving; now, you can use it in a game of skate or try to do the trick at different spots.

Nothing beats the feeling off when you skate with friends and land a new trick; usually, my friends end up getting more excited than me.

It's important to learn tricks to get more variety in your skating; you can get bored easily if you only do the same over and over again. By learning new tricks, you will probably have way more fun.

Skate With Friends

Skating with friends or other skaters can be the perfect way to stay motivated. When I skate with my friends, I get hyped up before it's my turn to skate, and when I fail, they either make me laugh or encourage me.

My friends help me push my limit. When I bail on a trick, it is usually because of nerves, but with them hyping me up, I often manage to follow through.

I like to skate alone occasionally, but the most fun and productive skating sessions I have had is always with my friends.

Watch skate videos

Watching an awesome skating video is sometimes exactly what I need. Some people can perform crazy stunts and tricks that I could only dream of. After I have watched someone do something impossible, the tricks that I try to learn to feel like they are more within reach.

Filming yourself do a line can also help with motivation; I remember chilling at home looking at my phone when I saw a video of me shredding. After watching it, I got motivated and went to the skatepark to have a great session.

Listen to music

If I skate with friends, I prefer talking or listening to music together if we have a speaker, but when I am alone, music is my fuel. So I queue 5 songs matching my vibe and start shredding.

Skating with music is powerful; it is one of the few times I can experience having no worries at all, and that is something I cherish. Sometimes I even go to the skatepark mainly to listen to music and skate if I feel like it.

Skating while playing music is the best; if you haven't tried it before, stop reading and do it now!

Try a New Skate Spot

I usually stick to the same skatepark every time I skate. The main reason is that my local park is my favorite, and the second reason is that I know all the cool spots and tricks you can do.

When I lose my motivation to skate, it is hard to get me to join a skate session, but if you ask m to go somewhere new, you can see my face light up. Skating at a new skatepark is always exciting; it doesn't need to be a park. But, if it is a great spot you haven't visited yet, I recommend you go.

Skating at new locations will also make you a better skater; when I first started skating, I noticed that I couldn't do the tricks I learned. In addition, every mini ramp is different, so if you learn to skate on many spots, you will learn to adjust to change faster.

Try Skating When you Feel Down

Sometimes you feel down and don't want to do anything or be with anyone; after many years of choosing to feel down, I found out that you can go outside, and you will at least feel a little better.

When I feel down, I start skating, and my mood shifts from negative to positive after a while. After years of doing this, I will unconsciously go for a skating session if I feel down; for me, it helps my mental health, and in addition to that, I get the motivation to skate.

Now that I associate skating with happiness, I am much more motivated to skate.

Think About a Great Session you Had

If you want to find motivation, try thinking about your last great session. Every time I think about my sessions, I get motivated; in my last session, I didn't even need to warm up before trying the hardest tricks; I landed trick after trick, shredded on a mini ramp, and ended the day by eating with my friends.

I didn't hurt myself once during that session, and when I think back to it, I instantly want to go to the nearest spot or park and start skating.

If you have a session like this, I recommend recording a line so you can remind yourself of how awesome you are.

Try simpler tricks

As I have stated earlier, landing a new trick is really satisfying; if you need motivation, try to learn a simple trick. If you choose the right one, you can probably learn it within an hour.

Simple tricks might not be as cool as advanced ones, but they are still fun to learn; try them out and see for yourself; I bet you will get at least a little motivated.

Simple tricks are easy to learn but hard to master. However, I bet you can take out your friends in a game of skate if you do an easy trick with a variation they haven't tried before.

Try something difficult

Landing simple tricks make you feel good at the moment, but landing something difficult is something you remember for a long time. It is super motivating to land a trick you have spent hours or days at; I remember when I landed my first kickflip, I had tried so hard for days without luck, but in the end, I still landed it. After that experience, I learned that if you push through when you feel like quitting, you will end up with results, which was motivating.

Tracking Your Progress

Tracking your progress is a great way to get motivation. For example, I have videos from when I started skating. When I compare them to newer videos, I can see how much better I have become.

You often improve on small things that are hard to notice, but if you record yourself, you will see what you need to improve and what you have improved.


There are many ways to stay motivated to skate, my ways might not work for you, but it is worth a try. No one states motivated forever, so remember that it's ok to take a break and focus on other things in life.

s easy to get demotivated if you are stuck on a trick for too long; try to learn some easy tricks to boost your morale. You can even learn some variations to the easy tricks if you want to annoy your friends in a game of skate.

You will get motivation for weeks if you can tough it out and learn a hard trick that takes days to get down.

Don't compare yourself to others, but to yourself. Skating with friends can help with motivation, but only if you don't get down by seeing their progress.

If you want your skating session to become a hundred times better, start playing music; skating with music is one of the best feelings in the world, and if you don't do it, you miss out.

Table of Contents
  1. Don't Compare Yourself to Other Skaters
  2. Take a break
  3. Try something new
  4. Skate With Friends
  5. Watch skate videos
  6. Listen to music
  7. Try a New Skate Spot
  8. Try Skating When you Feel Down
  9. Think About a Great Session you Had
  10. Try simpler tricks
  11. Try something difficult
  12. Tracking Your Progress
  13. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only.