How to Tre Flip on a Skateboard Flip (Video and Images)

Richmond Bendu Mar 16, 2023
19 People Read
How to tre flip on a skateboard
Table of Contents
  1. What is a Tre Flip?
  2. How to Tre flip on a Skateboard
    1. Foot Position
    2. Body Position and Focus
    3. Back Foot Motion
    4. Front Foot Motion
    5. Catching The Board
  3. How to Practice Tre Flip
  4. Safety Gear
  5. Conclusion

The tre flip or 360 flip is one of my favorite skateboard tricks since it looks cool, is complicated to do, and feels awesome to land. It is an advanced skateboard trick that people often try to learn after the varial kickflip; this is because it looks similar, but the board does a full 360 instead of a 180.

It is an intimidating trick, but you will be able to learn it if you don't get discouraged and trust the process. Just focus on having the right stance and body movements; this ensures that you will learn the trick as long as you don't give up.

What is a Tre Flip?

A Tre flip is basically the combination of a 360 pop shove-it and a kickflip, or that's at least what it looks like. It looks like a combination of the two tricks, but you won't get the right results if you just add them together like with the varial kickflip. The tre flip is one of the advanced flip tricks so get ready for a lot of practice.

How to Tre flip on a Skateboard

Don't worry if you don't know how to 360 pop shove-it, it would be a lot easier to learn if you knew how to 360 pop shove-it, but both tricks take about as much time to learn.

So how do you learn it? The answer is, having the correct stance, having your weight over the center, and most importantly learning the unique scooping motion with your back foot. Let's take a look at the different steps.

Foot Position

The tre flip has a unique foot placement from other basic tricks. You need to have your back foot toe a little over the edge of the tail.

Your front foot position is very similar to a regular kickflip but place it a little further back with a less sharp angle.

Body Position and Focus

This is a weird stance to ride in, so you might have trouble staying centered in the beginning. Keep your body centered to let the board stay completely parallel, and turn your body turn your body 45 degrees towards the nose.

Focus on the nose of the board; this will help you time the trick better and also aid you in staying centered.

Back Foot Motion

The back foot is the most important foot in this trick, so make sure you get the scoop motion down. You need to scoop instead of popping. You hook the side of your tail with your toes and scoop diagonally towards the front. You will need a little more power than when you pop shove it; it is harder to control, so don't give up if you don't get it straight away.

Front Foot Motion

Most of the flip will already be complete if you made the back foot motion correctly, so you only need to add a little flick with your front foot. The timing of the flick is right after the scoop with your back foot.

Catching The Board

Look at the nose of the board as you are in the air and catch it as it has done the rotation is complete. You need to stay directly above the board as you are in the air to catch it, so remember to stay centered as you do the trick.

It might be tricky to get the timing right if it's your first time performing a 360 trick, but try to look for the landing instead of relying on luck; this is the only way you will learn to land it consistently.

How to Practice Tre Flip

Start with learning the scoop motion; it is the base of the entire trick, so there is no need to move on before you get that down.

Try to add the little flick and land on the board, even if you feel unstable in the stance. You can start focusing on being more stable after you know that you can land it; you can practice stability by riding around in the stance without doing the trick.

It is better to practice while moving since this will prepare you to perform it while cruising or on obstacles, but you can do it while standing still if it feels too sketchy.

Find a flat area that is large enough; it is too small if you don't have time to get in the right position as you prepare. Start at a low comfortable speed, and there is no reason to go fast in the beginning.

Try to tre flip over small obstacles after you get the trick down; it's easier to measure the height, and you get more control over the trick if you can master this. Remember to use safety gear as you practice; it is easy to hurt yourself while trying new tricks.

It might take weeks or months before you can land the trick, but you will eventually get it if you keep on grinding.

Safety Gear

It is easy to hurt yourself while trying new tricks, so make sure that you are properly protected while riding. It is most important that you use a helmet, but I also recommend using wrist guards; you often land on your wrists when falling, and they can get easily damaged, so take extra care of them.


The tre flip looks like a combination of the 360 pop shove-it and kickflip, but it's more than just adding the two tricks together.

Your front foot is similar to the kickflip position, but your back foot has the toes over the edge to prepare for a scooping movement.

You don't really pop the tail; you scoop it instead. It is very important that you stay centered over the board; this helps the board flip correctly and makes it easier to catch it in the air. Remember to have your knees bent.

Learning this trick takes a long time, but keep on grinding and remember to use safety equipment.

Table of Contents
  1. What is a Tre Flip?
  2. How to Tre flip on a Skateboard
    1. Foot Position
    2. Body Position and Focus
    3. Back Foot Motion
    4. Front Foot Motion
    5. Catching The Board
  3. How to Practice Tre Flip
  4. Safety Gear
  5. Conclusion