When Should I Replace my Skateboard Deck?

Richmond Bendu Jul 13, 2022
25 People Read
Skateboard deck


When I got my first skateboard deck, I didn't want to replace it before it was completely broken. I didn't have much money at the time, so I thought the right choice was to wait as long as possible, but it came a time when I no longer had a choice because my sessions were getting worse every day.

At some point, you need to tell yourself that it is time to move on to the next board, no matter how much you love your old one.

It is time to change your board if there are multiple cracks in the maple layers or if your board has lost a lot of pop. Even if you have managed to skate for a long time without getting any visible damage, your skateboard deck will start losing pop eventually. However, you don't need to replace your deck if you get minor visible damage like a chip.

Over time you will experience many types of deck wears; what you need to learn is when to get a new skateboard.

How Often Should You Replace Your Skateboard Deck?

How often you need to replace your skateboard deck depends on the type of skater you are; if you only skate mini ramp, your board is going to last a long time, but if you like street skating, your board will deteriorate much faster.

This will be a rough estimate of how often you need to replace your skateboard. If you frequently skate, like at least a couple of hours daily, you need to replace your skateboard deck every 1 to 2 months. If your budget doesn't cover replacing it often, you can wait longer, but your board performance will decline.

If you only skate a few times a week, your deck can probably last up to 4 months or a little longer. On the other hand, if you mainly use your board for cruising, your deck can last for years; this is only the deal if you take care of your board and don't get it wet often.

If you plan only to skate mini ramps or bowls, you probably won't wear down your board much because the surface is smooth. As a result, you probably don't need to replace your board before 6 to 12 months.

Even if you match with one of these estimates, it doesn't mean that your board will last that long, one day of trying flip tricks can end up chipping your board, and if you have bad luck one day, your board can even snap into two pieces.

Your skateboard wheels and

Why You Need to Replace Your Skateboard Deck

The main reason for replacing your deck is safety. Your skateboard deck loses its structural integrity over time, making pressure cracks, chips, and sharp edges appear. The chances of your board snapping on the nose or tail also increase when your board lose structural integrity.

When your board has chips and sharp edges, it becomes more dangerous to skate because when you hit yourself with the board, you have a chance of getting cuts instead of bruises. Your safety isn't the only reason to replace your deck; if you fall off the board and it hits someone else, you could also risk cutting them.

If you want to replace your board, you should consider getting a blank deck, they don't have the cool graphics, but you can get a new one for a lower cost.

Razor tail

Do you know why it is called a razor tail? They can often leave cuts or injuries when they hit you. When you have a razor tail, a minor impact can ruin your skating session, and I still have scars on my chin and ankle from sessions years ago.

You don't want to harm yourself but most importantly, the people around you. If you fall off your board and send it flying towards someone, you should at least be sure that your board isn't going to cut them.

Skaters develop razor tails faster when they tail scrape, and if you combine that with all the popping you do with your board, you will get a compressed sharp edge.

If you want to learn more about how to prevent razor tail, click here

Skateboard razor tail

How to Fix Razor Tail

If you want to fix your razor tail, instead of getting a new skateboard deck,, you can easily fix it with sandpaper and wooden filler.

Step 1

You sand down the sharp edges on your skateboard; if your board has become squared, sand it back to a popsicle shape.

Step 2

If you have chips on your board, you can glue the pieces back on, and put clamps on to make them sit on tight.

Step 3

Now your repair is almost finished, use wooden filler for any cracks that are in the board and let it dry for half a day.

How to Deal With a Chipped Skateboard Deck

The nose and tail take hard hits almost every skate session; this often results in chips.

If the chip is a small one, it isn't a problem, but the larger ones are annoying, and it hurts when the sharp edge hits your legs. Technical street skaters will run into this problem a lot more often.

luckily you can fix a chipped skateboard almost the same way you can fix a razor tail. Just shave the edges, glue the chips back on, and put some clamps on them until they dry.

Reduced Pop in Your Skateboard

If you have used your skateboard deck for a long time, it will probably have reduced pop; this means that it won't jump as high. If you are an experienced skater, you will notice reduced pop faster, but it can be challenging for a beginner.

It is hard to notice reduced pop in your decks because it happens gradually. The first time I got a new deck, I was mad at myself for not noticing; with the new board, I noticed that my ollies were much crisper.

If Your Skateboard Deck is Bending

If your board has started to bend, it is most likely because you have a low-quality skateboard. If your skateboard is high quality but has started to bend, it is most likely because you let your skateboard get wet.

When a skateboard becomes soaked, it gets waterlogged, if this is the case, the plies on your board can come apart in extreme cases, but the most common issue is that the board becomes deformed.

If you want to learn more about what you should do if your skateboard gets wet, click here


How fast you need to replace your skateboard decks depends on how you skate; if you only skate mini ramps or bowls, your decks can last for 1 year or more, but if you do street skating, you should get a new deck every 1 to 2 months. This applies if you skate very often.

The most common visible wear on a deck are chips, pressure cracks, and a razor tail. It is not much you can do about pressure cracks, but with chips and razor tails, you can fix them with sandpaper, glue, clamps, and wooden filling.

If your board has started to bend, it is most likely because you use a low-quality board; if this isn't the case, then you probably got your board wet and didn't get the chance to dry it properly.

If you are on a budget and need a new deck, you should look at blank decks, you don't get the cool graphics, but they tend to go for a lower price than boards with a graphic.
